Publicly Funded Remdesivir

This topic is intended for Independent pharmacies only and is not applicable to Rexall pharmacies.

Select the appropriate tab to learn about publicly funded Paxlovid in your province.

Pharmacies can submit claims to Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) for dispensing remdesivir (Veklury™) to eligible patients. The fee that’s reimbursed depends on whether a pharmacy compounds the infusion bag or dispenses the vial as is.

Patient Third Party Information

Depending on whether the patient has ODB coverage, the Third Party information required for submitting remdesivir claims varies. Refer to Table 1 for more information.

Table 1. Third party information for submitting remdesivir claims.


Bill Code

Client ID*

Intervention Code(s)*



Ontario Health Card number



ON (Carrier ID = S)

Ontario Health Card number

PS and ML

*If the patient does not have an Ontario Health Card number, use the proxy ID = 79999 999 93 and submit the claim using the PS and PB intervention codes.

Drug Information

Pharmacies can either dispense remdesivir vials or compound daily infusion bags using the vials. If your pharmacy is dispensing remdesivir vials, use the Drug Folder to bill the prescription. If dispensing compounded infusion bags, create and use a Mixture Folder for billing.

Remdesivir Drug Folder

The Drug Folder for remdesivir (Veklury™) has been assigned a DIN of 2502143. The following have been set up in the Drug Folder to ensure claims are submitted appropriately:

  • Prov $ and Supplier Cost - $0

  • TP Rule - When the Drug is billed to ODB, PIN 9858244 will be submitted instead of the DIN.

  • Custom Class - a fee of $14.75 will auto-populate when the Drug is billed to ODB.

Remdesivir Infusion Bag Mixture Folder

A Mixture Folder must be manually created by your pharmacy if you’re planning to dispense remdesivir infusion bags. There are 3 parts to setting up the Mixture Folder.

Prescription Information

Billing Remdesivir Vials

If dispensing remdesivir vials, submit one claim for all vials dispensed.

  1. From the Workbench or Patient Profile, select Intake.

  2. Enter information in the New Prescription window:

    • Patient

    • Prescriber

    • Drug = DIN 2502143

    • Qty Auth = number of vials authorized

    • Qty = number of vials dispensed

    • SIG

    • DS

  3. Select Process. The prescription opens in Rx Detail.

  4. Ensure the Fee = $14.75, and the Cost and Markup are $0.

  5. Select the Third Party tab.

  6. Ensure the following is entered for Drug Benefit:

    • Alternative DIN = 9858244

    • Intervention codes = PS (+ ML if non-ODB or PB if no Ontario Health Card number)

  7. Select Fill.

Billing Remdesivir Infusion Bags

If dispensing remdesivir infusion bags, submit one claim for each bag dispensed.

  1. From the Workbench or Patient Profile, select New.

  2. Enter information in the New Prescription window:

    • Patient

    • Prescriber

    • Drug = Mixture Folder created in Part 1

    • Qty Auth = 1

    • Qty = 1

    • SIG

    • DS

  3. Select Process Now. The prescription opens in Rx Detail.

  4. Ensure the Fee = professional fee calculated in Part 2 up to $31, and the Cost and Markup are $0.

  5. Select the Third Party tab.

  6. Ensure the following is entered for Drug Benefit:

    • Alternative DIN = 9858244

    • Intervention codes = PS (+ ML if non-ODB or PB if no Ontario Health Card number)

  7. Select Fill.

Frequently Asked Questions